March 2018 Classic Box


Membership has its advantages. Like receiving a steady supply of delicious meat, for example. Now, just tell us how often you want to receive said delicious meat and we'll take care of the rest. Not sure a membership is right for you? Try one out and see what you think. Spoiler alert: you're going to like it.

subscriber price CA$38.24
regular price CA$44.99
15% Discount

Niagara Food Specialties

Niagara Food Specialties employs all the best old world Italian methods to make their products. They source from farms in southern Ontario and all their pork is 3rd party verified as humanely treated from farrow to finish. It’s naturally raised without ever administering antibiotics or growth promotants to the animals. They also went the extra mile to get Certified Organic and they only use sea salt to preserve and time to air dry the meats.

For this month’s box, we can say unequivocally that these products are phosphates, nitrates, nitrites, gluten, and lactose free.

In March, Canadians can look forward to:

  1. Prosciutto
  2. Sopressata Salami
  3. Finochiona Salami
  4. Capocollo
  5. Guanciale (Jowl Bacon)